David Smith - Final Year Project

Friday, March 30, 2007

2.4 Time Schedule

As I was told I wouldn't complete the piece in the time I had left at my review, I made a time schedule to use to try to keep me on track:

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Review Feedback :S

Ok, so I had my review today and it didn't go how I had planned :S

Basically I showed my storyboard and some of the earlier models I had made, but it was pulled to shreads somewhat... talk about demotivation!

Unfortunately, it was my fault... I didn't show any of the research I had done to back up decisions I had made. One key one was why I had put eyes ontop of the tools. I have justified this at least in my sketchbook if not on here too, but I didn't show that which is why I think it went so badly :(

I was also told to try and condense the idea down because they didn't think I could do it in time I have left... I think, or at least hope I will, because I've finally got an idea I am happy with.

Well best get cracking I suppose :(

Monday, March 19, 2007

Finished Storyboard - Well Almost...

Well this is my almost completed storyboard... I still need an ending but I am happy with the rest of it. I will show this at my review in a week or so:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Slight Change

After thinking hard about the characters and story, I made a few changes:

Jack Bauer - Jack Trowel (the garden spade)
Head of CTU - Mitch Fork (the garden fork)
The rest of CTU - The other tools
The President - N/A
The Public - The Flowers
The Terrorists - The Garden Gnomes

The main change is the garden gnomes as the terrorists. There are several reasons behind this change:

- From 3D modeller and animators point of view, modelling and snimating swarms of insects would be a complete nightmare! I don't really have the time now to starts researching how I could even attempt this, let alone do it.

- Gnomes would let me practice proper rigging skills with bipeds (something I really need to learn to do - but have tutorials ready and waiting).

- I also think it would be more funny to have the gnomes as terrorists as they are usually cheerful looking and would be unexpected.

- The motivation for attacking the flowers would be that they get all the attention from the humans, and the gnomes want it for themselves.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Chosen Idea - Continued

I developed a bit of a story too...

"The piece begins with a trowel walking in the garden. Suddenly he is swarmed by a bunch of insects and kidnapped! Back at CTU, they realise he has gone missing and send out a search party. All they find is a note. It explains that if they want to see the trowel again, they must let all of the insects eat the plants in 2.4 minutes, and so the timer begins.

Rather than let them get their way, Jack traces the insects slime trails and footsteps and finds that the trowel has been taken to a bee hive. I thought about a funny fight scene here where he has to fight insects with guns maybe? He wins and rescues the trowel but still needs to stop the other insects who have made their way to the flowers already... will Jack save the day?"

Thats all I have so far, but it has some of the morally challenging decisions similar to the series in and is quite fast paced.

Chosen Idea

I have decided to persue the 24 idea, as it it my strongest idea so far and my time is starting to run out. I even came up with a name for it; "2.4".

2.4 is a play on 24 and 2.4 minutes is actually 2 minutes and 24 seconds, which is a good length for an animated short. I can even use the 24 title graphics and add a decimal point to make it my own.

I have also begun storyboarding my idea. I thought about the different character sets in 24:

Jack Bauer
Head of CTU (character varies)
The rest of CTU
The President
The public
The terrirists

Note: CTU stands for Counter Terrorist Unit

I thought about relating these different character sets to characters you might find around the garden, then i began to vreate a story.

Jack Bauer - The garden spade
Head of CTU (character varies) - The garden fork
The rest of CTU - The other garden tools
The President - The Humans?
The public - The flowers (i thought that this could b the flowers, as the tools help to grow and preserve the flowers in a garden in real life)
The terrirists - Insects (i thought about insects because they attack and eat plants in real life)