David Smith - Final Year Project

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Review Feedback :S

Ok, so I had my review today and it didn't go how I had planned :S

Basically I showed my storyboard and some of the earlier models I had made, but it was pulled to shreads somewhat... talk about demotivation!

Unfortunately, it was my fault... I didn't show any of the research I had done to back up decisions I had made. One key one was why I had put eyes ontop of the tools. I have justified this at least in my sketchbook if not on here too, but I didn't show that which is why I think it went so badly :(

I was also told to try and condense the idea down because they didn't think I could do it in time I have left... I think, or at least hope I will, because I've finally got an idea I am happy with.

Well best get cracking I suppose :(


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