David Smith - Final Year Project

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Slight Change

After thinking hard about the characters and story, I made a few changes:

Jack Bauer - Jack Trowel (the garden spade)
Head of CTU - Mitch Fork (the garden fork)
The rest of CTU - The other tools
The President - N/A
The Public - The Flowers
The Terrorists - The Garden Gnomes

The main change is the garden gnomes as the terrorists. There are several reasons behind this change:

- From 3D modeller and animators point of view, modelling and snimating swarms of insects would be a complete nightmare! I don't really have the time now to starts researching how I could even attempt this, let alone do it.

- Gnomes would let me practice proper rigging skills with bipeds (something I really need to learn to do - but have tutorials ready and waiting).

- I also think it would be more funny to have the gnomes as terrorists as they are usually cheerful looking and would be unexpected.

- The motivation for attacking the flowers would be that they get all the attention from the humans, and the gnomes want it for themselves.


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