David Smith - Final Year Project

Friday, January 12, 2007

Filling In The Gaps - Dissertation

I haven't been on here updating my blog for quite a long time now!! Over the next few posts ill try to sum up where I have been and what's been going on:

Well I got my dissertation handed in... just! I had a complete nightmare with it, as my laptop crashed and corrupted pretty much everything I had on it (including my dissertation, the emails from Mark Griffith and the papers he sent me)!!!

After nearly 3 days of using about half a dozen recovery packages, I finally gave up and realised I would have to re-write the thing! I had done well over half of it, and believe me it was gut wrenching having to do it from scratch again!! One week later I managed to finish it just in time for the hand in (thank god I still had all the notes from Mark Griffiths lecture as I would have had no primary research otherwise)!!

I can safely say I learnt the lesson "ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR WORK!"


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