David Smith - Final Year Project

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Escaping with YouTube

Here are some links to animations that involved escaping on YouTube:

Madagascar Penguins - Cool HP Advert

The Great Escape - Another penguin animation!

Escape - For some reason this keeps repeating the same bit of animaiton?

Agent Hugo - Escape Blooper (I don't actually like this... the animation isn't quite right).

Escape From Monkey Island Intro - Ok, this isnt 'escaping' as such, but its a good intro and a great game!

Escape 3D - This is a good little animation of a guy trying to get out of a room.

The Escape - Not an animation, but probably one of the most elaborate chase and escape sequences ever!!

Flying High - The description was '3d Animation clip of a fantasy escape story, a rocking horse dreams of flying and goes off his rocker'... this could have been exactly what I was after (could being the key word lol)

Flipbook Escape - This flipbook animation is amazing!!

And lastly this one for the amusement factor (Mario and Luigi 'escape' into the world of GTA):


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