David Smith - Final Year Project

Monday, December 11, 2006


I haven't posted on here for a while. It's because I have eased off work on my project and concentrated more on writing my dissertation. Its getting there, but I still have quite a bit of work to do!

In terms of my project, I showed my course tutor Jen what I had done last week. I created a rough storyboard of what I wanted to happen in the animation and also showed her some of the renders I had already posted on here.

She liked my passion for the idea and it seems I have done enough work towards it so far, but unfortunately, I was told I wasn't on for a First with it :(

She said my idea wasn't original enough to get that kind of level of degree... I was thinking to myself... "What? A singing spade's been done before?!" lol. But she meant the concept of the idea (i.e. inanimate objects coming to life in a cartoony style... yeah, I know, its Pixar all over).

Jen suggested I stick with the idea (because of the work I had put into it so far), but to think about the dream sequences in the song (where the instrumentals are) and try to do something original or different with those. She also suggested trying a different look maybe with either textures, lighting or maybe cameras?

I don't really want to change the look of the piece, as this is going to be my showcase for potential jobs, so I want it to look (or at least be similar to) how I imagined it looking. I can understand where she was coming from though (that I need to have or find my own style within my work). Hmmm. Well for now, I'll concentrate on different storyboards for the dream sequences.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Game On Summary

Well the Game On event was quite different to how I imagined it. The event in the day was basically a load of consoles and arcade machines set up with key games from each gaming era to play on them... put it this way... I wasn't complaining ;)

I got to play on consoles I never thought I would see in the flesh (or plastic) and play them too including the Atari 2600 and even the first home game console, the Magnavox Odyssey. It was really cool! The only thing I was bummed about was that if we had gone just one day later we would have been able to play on a Nintendo Wii! They were setting up the area where it was going to be while we were there!? (I didn't have a choice of day though because I needed to see Professor Mark Griffith speak later on)

We were told we were only supposed to be in there for two hours when we went in. Three hours or so later, after I had crowned myself the official Halo multiplayer champion ;), I grabbed some tea and went back to listen to Professor Mark Griffith in the 'Gaming In Mind' presentation.

Again, this wasn't quite what I expected either. I was hoping he would talk about the effects of violent and sexual content on gamers, but instead he talked mainly about the effects of addiction in gaming. Luckly, this was an area I wanted to cover anyway, so I got quite alot of useful information. I also emailed him, and he sent me five papers he had written on the subject aswell. Considering, he is seen as one of the leading researchers in this field, I should be ok in this section of my dissertation at least :P