David Smith - Final Year Project

Monday, May 21, 2007

What's Been Going On

I haven't posted on here for a while because I've been hard at work trying to get to get my animation finished. Since the last post I've spend alot of time trying to get all of the scenes done and with a hand in due on friday, I have had to use all my contingency plans :S

I decided to change the storyboard slightly so that the pond became a rockary. This was purely because I was running out of time and needed something simple. Using water effects would have required even more research and tests before i could implement it into the garden.

Speech. I wrote about this in my technical study, that if I started to run out of time, I would have to subtitle the animation, and hopefully use the music score to its full potential. As I am running out of time, there's no way I can record voices and animate the lip syncing at this stage. It is a shame, but my piece is aimed at showing off my 3D skills, not my audio skills.

I did make slight adjustments to the storyline too, but only minor ones... nothing too drastic.

Lastly, in terms of an ending, I wanted something different.. where the heros didn't win for once... by letting the bomb in the garden explode, it would end the piece on a cliff hanger ready for the next episode...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I have started to animate now... finally. While doing this, I have come up with a few possile endings for the piece:

Ending 1 - Jack saves the day... he fights Compost Bin'Liner and gets back the remote to stop the bombs.

Ending 2 - Exactly like ending 1, except he takes the remote back to CGU and someone accidently detonates it, setting off the bomb!

Ending 3 - Jack is too late... the timer runs down to zero and the bomb goes off! Although this is a sad ending, it would be a great cliffhanger for a new episode...

Ending 4 - A slightly obscure one - Keeping with the escapist theme, it might be funny to watch Jack rescue the remote. Just as he pushes the button to stop the bombs, the screen fuzzes af if the channel has changed. Next, the audience hears a family arguing over the remote and a sky television menu screen appears. By the time it is switched back to 2.4, it has ended... what on earth happeded...???

I'm not really sure which I like the most yet but ill have to make a decision soon :S