David Smith - Final Year Project

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My New Ideas - At Last

Well I have to admit, the workshop week was extremily helpful. I got to see some presentations from people in industry, and although none of them specialised in 3D animation/modelling, some of the talks were very useful. The main benefit of the week for me was that I developed some fresh ideas and actually chose one to persue.

I set myself a brief at the start of the week. I had pretty much ditched my old idea(s), yet I had put a fair bit of work into the character development and even set development. I decided not to let this research go to waste, and set my guidelines for the brief:

- I wanted to use existing characters and sets for the piece (the spade and garden).
- An underlaying theme of 'escapism'.
- I needed an interesting storyline in which audiences could escape.
- I needed an original style to the piece.

After thinking long and hard throughout the week I came up with two ideas!

Idea 1.

Garden Wars - I thought about having two sets of garden tools, each one from gardens next to each other. The tools would differ either with different coloured handles or maybe old and new tools. The rivalry between the two sets has got to the point where they start a war between each other. In a series of small clips, I could create a comedy animation about how two sets of tools battle each other within two gardens with only a fence seperating them.

Some of the ideas I thought about were flinging burning soil over the fence, cutting tool shaped holes int he fence for them to get into the other gardens, throwing tools in the garden shredder, etc. In terms of endings, I thought it could be funny to use the classic 'standing on a rake' gag or put some meaning behind it - i.e. the old tools win and it goes to show that old tools are just as good if not better than the new ones.

Idea 2.

24 Parody - I was watchin 24 this week and it struck me that I could do an interesting animation mixing the crazy life of Jack Bauer (the main character) with one of a spade. I thought about using certain areas of the garden as areas from the series and character sets aswell (i thought about the tools being workers at CTU - Counter Terrorist Unit, and maybe insects as terrorists eating the plants).

In terms of the points I set in my brief, this idea would furfil them all:

- It uses the existing characters I created
- 24 is very 'escapist' its self so this mixed with a toy story; objects coming to life theme would be perfect.
- 24 has twisting, gripping storylines that keep audiences wanting more. If I can create one for the tools in the garden, I would be onto a winner!
- 24 has its own unique styling. As the piece would be a parody of 24, I could use the style (multiple screens and the digital clock) but with the twist of using my own characters.

Both ideas still need some work but I have to say, I'm leaning towards the 24 idea.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mid Term Workshop Week

Well this next week we are going to be having a workshop where people from industry are going to come in and talk to us!! Also we get to show them the stuff we are doing and we'll get some feedback on that which sound great!! ...Should be good :D