David Smith - Final Year Project

Monday, October 09, 2006

Initial Research

Here are some links to initial research on escapism I have found:

The wikipedia entry for escapism. This is useful because it explains what escapism is in more detail, and also addresses the arguement as to whether it is a positive or negative thing.

Some more information on escapism. There are a couple of good quotes here and some interesting points made.

This page has a load of quotes on that might be useful, as well as a raft of other stuff that might not lol.

I found a forum on worldofwar.net where a guy is writing a dissertation on escapism in games and wanted to get some first hand responses from the players of the popular online game World of Warcraft. Some of the first responces are intersting to read. One person in particular gets quite offended by the fact that one of the questions implies that all players of WoW are escapist. This raises the question, well aren't they?


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